More How To Wishes

What I do in order to make a wish is think of The Angels Name 3 times, then conclude my wish.

I suggest thinking of our peoples Zodiacs, and making wishes when you can, these are the Angel of all different signs of the Zodiac.  including other Places/ Tarot Cards/ Dates

Arch Angel Rapheal is the Arch Angel to help with Immediate Danger.-------------------------====

Arch Angel Luke is the Arch Angel to help corresponding to the Hospital.---------------------=====

Arch Angel Gabriel is the Arch Angel helping with general Well Wishing.-----------------------=====

Arch Angel Christopher is the Arch Angel of Travelers.---------------------------------------=========

Purpose       Name of Angel

Sandalphon is the Kingdom Angel; Tree of Life, the Master of the 20th Tarot Card “Judgment”.-He also Heals Aggressive Tendencies and is known as the Angel of Glory.---------


Angel of the Mountains--------------------------------------------------------------------------


Ruler of Earth/Hail.------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Master of the 4th Tarot Card “The Emperor”.----------------------------------------------------


Master of the 17th Tarot Card “The Star”.--------------------------------------------------------


Master of the 7th Tarot Card “The Chariot” ---------------------------------------------------


Raguel helps you to Heal Relationships.----------------------------------------------------------


Master of the 14th Tarot Card “Temperance”. Associated with Sagittarius-------------------


Guardian of the Twelfth Mansion of the Moon and is associated with Leo-------------------


Guardian of the Seventeenth Mansion of the Moon which is Scorpio.-------------------


Protector and Ruler of the dates February 20-24; Pisces.----------------------


Master of the 7th Tarot Card “The Chariot”. and is associated with the sun sign, Cancer.----------------


Protector and Ruler of the dates July 28-August 1; Leo.------------------------


Protector and Ruler of the dates June 11-15; Gemini.----------------------------


Protector and Ruler of the dates March 21- 25; Aries.------------------------


Guardian of the Sixteenth Mansion of the Moon; Scorpio.-----------------------


Guardian of the Sixth Mansion of the Moon; Gemini.-----------------------------


Protector and Ruler of the dates August 23-28; Virgo.----------------------------


Protector and Ruler of the dates July 12-16; Cancer.------------------------------


February 5-9- -------------------------------------------Mehiel
February 10-14------------------------------------------  Damabiah
June 27-July 1- ------------------------------------------ Pahaliah
July 23-27-  -------------------------------------------Nith-Haiah (Nithhaja)
August 7-12 -------------------------------------------Seheiah (Sehijah)
August 18-22 -------------------------------------------Omael
October 4-8 -------------------------------------------Rehael

There are other Angels that are partial to Tiger's Eye. The table below gives you the information about them.

Purpose Crystal Color Name of Angel
Angel of Grace Brown--------------------------------------------------------------------- Ananchel
Ruler of Earth/Lightning and the Angel of Chance and Luck. Brown--------------------- Baraqiel
Protector and Ruler of the dates February 10-14; Aquarius. Brown--------------------- Damabiah
Protector and Ruler of the dates February 5-9; Aquarius. Brown--------------------------- Mehiel
Protector and Ruler of the dates October 4-8; Libra. Brown--------------------------------- Rehael
Master of the 15th Tarot Card “Devil”.   Brown ----------------------------------------    Samaqiel
Guardian of the Fourteenth Mansion of the Moon; Virgo. Dk. Gold-------------------------- Ergediel
Risnuch helps you while Dealing with Agriculture and Animals. Dk. Gold-------------------- Risnuch
Ruler of Earth/Wind Dk. Gold --------------------------------------------------------------   Ruchiel
Samael is known as the Severity Angel; Tree of Life, is the Guardian of Tuesday, and the Ruler of Mars. Dk. Gold------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Samael
Protector and Ruler of the dates July 23-27; Leo. Dk. Yellow------------------------------ Nith-Haiah
Protector and Ruler of the dates August 18-22; Leo. Dk. Yellow------------------------------ Omael
Protector and Ruler of the dates June 27-July 1; Cancer. Dk. Yellow------------------------- Pahaliah
Protector and Ruler of the dates August 7-12; Leo. Dk. Yellow------------------------------- Seheiah
Master of the 8th Tarot Card “Strength” and is associated with Leo.   Dk. Yellow--------   Verchiel
Guardian of the Nineteenth Mansion of the Moon which is Scorpio. Gold-------------------- Amutiel
Gabriel------------- is the Foundation Angel and known as the Tree of Life. The Angel of  Monday, and the Ruler of the Moon, Earth, and Lighting. Gabriel is also the Master of the 2nd Tarot Card “The High Priestess” and Tarot Card 12 “The Hanged Man”. Gabriel is also the Angel of Pregnancies/Child Birth, the Angel of the North Wind, Creativity, and Truth. he is also associated with the sun sign Aquarius, and also the Guardian Fifth Mansion of the Moon; Taurus. Gold --------------------------------------------Gabriel
Master of the 2nd Tarot Card “The High Priestess”. Gold---------------------------------- Schelachel
Uriel is the Master of the 21st Tarot Card “The World”. Also, he Heals Resentment and is the Ruler of the South Wind. Uriel is also known as the Angel of Music and Repentance, and is associated with the sun sign, Libra. Gold--------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Uriel
Master of Tarot Card 0 “The Fool”.     Lt. Gold-------------------------------------------   Chassan
Angel of the Mountains. Lt. Gold ---------------------------------------------------------   Rampel




Over and Lost- Still Proud


Chapter 1- Inspected

 Taking one for the team. My Dad, he is M.I.A. More then just awol, at this point. One melts one. Take a snap shot, in the fast lane.

I am ciphered as his 'favorite', not everyone elses.. I learned to try, with one vital choice, be the family widow, or the village idiot or both. Choice was mine to be independent or a team player. He was very popular. Absence made the heart grow fonder.' Elf on the shelf.

 Daddy Duke is everything I wanted him to be, and less.' Less equaling more.' And often it is okay.' He's celebrated ''eree'' day in the high jinx.'

 So Dad sent more Angels.' I was also told, he would send them.' Nouveau rich; luck. Renown stubborn. Laughing bitter/ sweet.
20 years later... I am ok... 

I am pious, falling asleep half- way threw mid- air and remembers it within the blink of an eye. Day dreaming half awake. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. What just happened?!- Still happens.

 Dad was beat at his own game. His allegory looks so gory.' Yet he is no Felon.' He wasn't that malicious.' Except you know, down- but- not- out.' Virtually rock bottom anyone should want to die, I just hope his intelligence lives on, and his sarcasm...'

I have too sleep at night, I hope he is dead. It had been tooo long. So I do the best I can, knowing whats cool, and whats not. I have spite. Just took longer to let my blindspot go.'

  I promote my desires in my own words in a blog. So I don't always have to answer the question why I am was so enlightened. The time is now! 

ome save the best for last; their backbone. Disassociation is something you learn, or are taught, yes I think there is a difference.
 A representation of A Girl Matador on Wall Street. You can only get what you go after...if your lucky..

 I am from the skids- to the bluffs, drafted from the nutrition, and power. Stealthy Gunnership. Sheer like no one else.' Old Elephant in the room, looking for something new. Smelling out a natural liking...and positive choices.

Would be A Saint if it weren't for misconstrued dirty looks. I' am convincing you I' am inoffensive. Like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. No one bites. Just markers, and paint.' Never standing still.' Moving target. Honestly, sometimes life hands out cold hard truths. I would trust your gut. Gossipers are cowards.....

 Blood/ water/ shyte--- same shyte different pile. We should not be numskulls. Not saying test your pain. Test your happiness....

Camp Crew, learned the malicious, be/ end- up so petty.' Pain with no time, no healing, no graciousness, no chance, no high standard...

My weakness is not under estimating you, I actually do the exact opposite, I know someone did under estimate you.' {(yeah)}

After 20 years, I can't be waiting for closure....I actually find it hard to cry, who cries over 20 years?! Yet I still do, sometimes... Yet at a point of no gain... I keep my head high, chin up, and finish what I start...

  I hopes the world never ''ends.'' Everyone needs a link to this place.' Take a selfie today....blushing red. Pink Full- Moon coming up this month...Fire ball, spit fire.'

Two feet and a heart beat...
 Fall asleep looking at the clock, when we should tell each other how proud we are of each other.' Some people like to be abused.' More so, moved.' Move me. My things, my mind, my places. That is my pride.'

 Some people just like to see you try. They don't care about how challenging or if you fail.

Swag: goes from a joker behind an audience. To a trihawk in a fiasco with a clause; feels like pacing on the phone...gone with the wind, and up front and personal. Why delete work when you can work on it? 

 We knew rowdiness was saying hello- and you were already in trouble. Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew.' They call me the guzzler; with a rosary.' I am the chaser, with my pride.... I still question my past....and laugh in the face of danger... 

Dad is/ was:

1/ I don't really know what know what you were doing, you were just- so very- close; to ''there.'' On that crip' Like the crib broke. And you knew you were going to fix it.' Strapped, you knew you to make relationships work, you had to make yourself more vulnerable.

2/ Boo Yagga, go in the street, and pretend your scratching records swag. Riveting wall flowers.' Insatiable craft.' Get off that wall, and moon walk, no words....just beats from the underground...

3/ Tie balloons too a couple peoples hands. Ribbon not sticks. Distracted.' Snipped, and letting loose. Letters from afar...scroll, and wonder....who, what, where, when and why?!?

4/ Take extra time, and take a little more. Times two squared. Yikes! Whats that commotion?!!?!? Shift happens...

5/  Swerving a way of life.
Building skills: First-safety. Determination second- Please try again. Leverage ''Amen!''

6/  Notorious- I couldn't sleep, phone calls. Hearty ''har har'' Fuck Pie in ones face equals pie in yours. ''5 minutes of your day; will make my day.'' Amicably contingent.'

7/ ''Look over there!''------- ''Not!!'' Jeepers!

8/ If you water the lawn AND- the side walk.... you get to water your front door....ruthless!!

9/   Teddy Bears come once, come twice, so you get off facebook.

10/    Your either sweating it out, or running out of karma; and that was really typical. How could you sit on strength? Lifting a pool table by himself.

  My Dad went Missing in 2003.....It took 10 years for us to report him missing as I went a little crazy.....the host with the most, I can't even go back in time, I over think it though, all the time........cold hard truth, I've actually moved on, and fuck the detectives I met 3 years ago.... who just seemed to want to meet us...

Chapter 2- 
Essential- Memory- Experience

       Three cups of water before bed and in the morning. If I don't drink enough water I'm technically drunk.

Remembering what it is like to find a hidden entrance into heaven. Stars above the sun. 

I am so predictable, I'm charming.. I'd rather say hello, then bye before you even got started.'
So sharp Chris Brown was compared to Kurt Browning. But at a distance it's your word against his. Jumping scales from ''poof'' too ''done.'' 

Strain like Flavor Flav, time my records. Pep talking, myself. So metal gear solid, snake said in low key.."Even if a pawn becomes a queen, it is still just a playing piece," and I am A Turtle...

 Every asshole takes away one dream.

Small muse like a long piss. Take the plunge- politically correct. Flush like your absent, and I just got new shoes....'

 Ja Rule ''believing in virtues means you have to believe in evil.''

If I was pretending, it'd be one is helpful unless you can help yourself..

        Turn over my exam; for the fount of dry tears bluntly: over the horizon. There is like 10 gazellion things, places, and people, in the way. I flinch. Like English going Chines- sometimes...

I don't know- if Dad likes seafood but because I'm born in July. I will explain how his friends feel in a crabby way:

    1/6 First comes first. Like you knew what it was like to be in the tank with someone else. Left behind, hoping for your return.

   2/6  Is``seeing impailed``, fluffing out getting over protective. Can you ever witness- ''enough smoking...? Treating their body like a castle. Hoping for a new age. It is not denial- they are resourcing prevention.....

3/6   Starting from scratch. You talk to the hand. Created with ''whats a matter with you ''crabby hands.'' The more the merrier. Just always got their doors locked. Hoping for a New World.......they can write about. Alone so the family stays together.

4/6 Taken from the beach- Crabs, in a tank; do push- ups. They stay ready. Feeling like they are always- restarting over. But at a start none the less. Your info is as good as mine. Sussing it out.

  5/6   People say crabs are moody.. Well I've had mood swings before. They say they scream as they pinch you. Something about how they wave their hands {(pincers)}. Flinching- to cry their best cry..

6/6   Hermits are hoping to be charged interest. Greeting you before running away- yonder. Scarred to be mistreated. Over doing everything...

      In the end, its meant to be. We should of had a last dance. But the world wasn't ready for us. All like'' your going to die this Monday.'' We woulda' had a good Sunday, I don't mean to put you on the spot. But Your A Legend.

       I'm all like we would of made it to the end, but this had: too end- life- or- death. I'm Poppy Immersed. Days are numbered. How do you sleep at night? Make it rain.....

       I love you more- overtime. The night I chose to forgive. I chose too hang tight. You needed a functioning moment.....

Chapter 3- Pure Bandanna

        Dad you may follow me from near, or far: because you are My Father. Secret or not. Exotic or afraid. Cliche, last second, or without resistance. Spun out, or right away.

      Stitching tissue together is proof we aren't always anonymous. We consulted the scrolls of the Count of Mounte Crisco.

       I used too think I was on final destination. But that's just a form of paranoia. We're all going to die.

       If you got promoted I'd have your back. If you had to deflect a whipping, I'll mark your last- words and last supper. You know your rolling over to your side knowing ''God will give me justice.''

            But believing in God doesn't make you a licensed- hero. My Dad said lots people come back to religion- when they are older. And when the Sabbath rests Ja Rule will meet God with a ghetto soul............................from pain is love, to system of a down....forever staying with me...

Score can never escape philosophy. We are connected like The Da Vinci Code.

         As many doors close will be as many that will open. Never apologize for loving someone, or wanting to leave, just do it. I'm no metal detector. Sensitivity is inevitable, it is more then a face- off. Game on.

Chapter 4-  Old Pedestal

          The light switch doesn't go off when your sleeping. Awake and Dreaming- flip your high beams on you- won't be blinking. Are you sure that's the; right- time?

          I kept tones of files. So I know I always have the ultimate ride- like sci fi. Like you went to pick a card from someone's hand- and they were already looking at your cards.

        A cultural fellow. Its like always being on deck. Like your enemies read your dictionary. When the girl in the series of unfortunate events ties her hair up too invent something. She survives.

        Yet I'm hoping, I'm not fucking over my memory. That military hair cut. I'm the middle child. Some shit takes you- either way. You don't know sometimes until you've been proven wrong. When you see what people wrote about you, and hid for years.

           But we were all given 9 months of solitude When you know everything; but- the obituary. And confusion is biased. 

        Cheers- I say cheers by emptying the bottle on the ground of barbed wire. Wishing for your safety. Inventing a new door. People on a pedestal, can still not even look up to you.

      Dad was his own book keeper. People would die to be in his position. His computer was the only thing missing- when he was struck to myth.

           Like Marge Simpson. '''mmMMghmn'' or ''alcjbzCLjbxzlcb''' like Homer Simpson. I'm jumbled.

         Firm terminal, I was spiffy in a jiffy. Seeing Roast Artists with Speedy Rabbi's. Wearing shiny wool. Making me fight over blankets. Not sure of who goes threw the worm hole first...Trusting for the first time again..wish it was harder to love too....

           I was sizing you up. Yes sire. When the grim reaper gave me a peace sign, and wiped the smile off his own face. Gracious. Did I turn around. Yes. I did. Yes Sargent.

          Ugh- Running away to my diary, a lot people do not understand. Wake up in the morning. Hope against hope of a groundhog. Fall asleep- one eye at a time.

           I didn't duck The Ferris Wheel in full circle- the first time. But I can probably wait too meet: ''the court room.''

           Gritty like, ''how you doing?'' Sophisticated like; ''if you could only see me now!! You should know who this fuck you goes too..

           It is like the revolution is going backwards. When new age grudges: progress. Knowing its not all easy, and decline- saying I wish too resurrect...finding answers when on the brink of giving up.. 

       There is now as many versions of things, as there are people.' Maybe even, as many versions of bibles too...what a clash.. I am praying, I dunno who too though.

Chapter 5-  One For All- All For One

           I often look and smile, premeditating to get out of the house. I just have to be ready to face a Tornado.

           As if- I could change things now. It'd be the same. I`d say bitch and it'd feel amazing- yeah. I still swear sometimes. I`ll tell you we may have wanted approval. And we also may have been initiated...

       We will gain a quote by Kurt Cobain: "For those who understand you, no explanation is necessary; for those who don't, none is possible."

          I love it when you dance.
         Sometime its up and away.
         Sometimes its spring when sprung.
         Sometimes its on your grave.
         But if you don't defend yourself others wont defend you.

        Every time I see Maria Tea Biscuits, I sing. I may be too close to the screen. I'd eat dust, like girls eat; hair- dye. Hoping for super- natural- powers.

         With a number one fan- under the table: I hated seeing your hands clenched for a full day.

        I'm trying to not let satisfaction down. If you sing the Mic Jagger You Can't Get No S********** then please put your left hand- in. Have mercy.

          Believing in Victorian moments like Jack and the Beanstock. I don't want any unfinished business either. Thinking of the audience, multiple choice. Keep on charging. 
Men in Black- never say never. Welcome to the Wild West.

       Hook up with me we'll go 40 feet deep like it was Woodstock. We'll be the best Cave Minor's out there. We'll stay ready for flooding. Never say never, I might shit my pants.'

         Resulting in spins; considered as much as mounting: a scissor- lift- 39- times when I say I hope I don't have any bad habits.. None that will be ignored...

          Ignore art once- it will ignore you for three days.

           I may be totally seeing things in black and blue. But I'm a good bitch. XO 

          When impromptu- means; Young and The Restless. Looks like going eye for an eye, defeats being special. I am so unique.'
         I point fingers with:

1/ A character, you cannot shrug.
2/ If you snooze you loose.
3/ If you don't work you don't eat.
4/Probably growing old saying I know there was a time I didn't care I'll go to hell for this. And that is the purpose I seek.
5/ Help anytime you can. Don't take it for granted.'
         You can forget something in a second, remember like that. Instead of looks saying ''because'' a question mark I'm sending a reminder to myself saying, something dumb with a- semi colon. Stupendous.'

 My dues is: eager.

          I know My Dad will forgive me for what I am doing. Because this is the best thing for me. And I know you want me to do what I want to do.

          Who doesn't know what I think about being the Matador too Bulls on their graveyard shift? As if some- bitch is being stoned, with the bitch that loves biology. You can remove the hair hiding my face, when you see I'm a colorful Human Being. Hopefully my spite will survive.'

          You can watch me surrender, too crawling across the finish- line.

        Like Dad's not a domesticated sheep, hes got his arms crossed, and hes pointing the finger at himself, lifting the bowl to me, I got to live not just survive. Have a brain. The Hospital is always right down the street.

         I' am like a horoscope people say I do what they tell me too.
 I' am going to go miles to get what I need. 
         Loving a home that's not scared to be used. I knew what it was like to be the greatest gift in someone's life! Partying with diversity. May an unknown anniversary rest in peace. Nameste. Every day was New Years. Could not forget what I was leaving out....

I love you even though your gone.
Dreams come true too.....

Dukes Poetry In Motion

Chapter 1- Should of Run This Town

Crosses should be R shaped.....

If your ecstasy shifts from oaths too I don't knows, in a predicament. Line yourself up with an angel. It is me and my angel taken for taken.
 Locking our hands together, to teach you a lesson.

 I'm breaking the mold that is missing information.

My Father is as clever as a club of neighbors. 
Liking the night because the defense for being high on life, is to teach you a lesson. Sustaining the licenses for both the holiday inn, and a hero gone with the wind! Ettiquette- thud!

 I'm good with confirming when he was around, I couldn't accept without saying thank you. I couldn't rock without being spontaneous. Dreams come true.

You wouldn't stash without giving gifts, Collectibles are investments. Had it- better be a favorite character. For a lifetime.

 I wouldn't get intoxicated without learning something. I don't have to decide, before I make it. Or make it before I decide.
 Messaging me while causing my shock, He let me know I was already higher than the ceiling.

Making it like a contest; if he knew which time: I forgot- he was talking about- he'd repeat it. Without putting you on the spot.
 He was strong. Gotcha Strong. Made me look cool.

He could target an eight ball. Without seeing '' a please try again.'' He'd flip a mode from messy to clean. From renovations to clubs he'd pine with an ''a ha''! From the destitute to a pimp. He invested his intelligence surrendering to his honor. With a term that couldn't be erased like, etc, etc, am I right?

My father was the one you stamped contracts with and put it threw a crash test dummy course. Promising help is on its way.
 Say a kettle blew up, he'd hold you close and lay you down soft himself.

When you age; you find hair in odd places: hence the saying babies bottom. Its not a Renaissance, its an alien. Put your grills on! Bite the bullet. Go for the field goal, drop kicking with your left and right, Your either kissing teeth or your lips. Hoping not to let the cheer- leaders down.

We made extra fruity snacks! We both love competition. I'm sweeper , He's goalie. Maybe I'm the goalie now that he's missing, but I'd say I'm still earning my spot. Still need more google.

Chapter 2- Vica Verca

He's was there mano- a- mano a 3:00 am phone call, or a history lesson. I'm there too cater or to help you repent, to talk about the food chain. Stemming from Sylvia Brown. Reading horoscopes all my life, watching soap opera's.
We'd talk eating. Hes best friends with tomato juice and beans, I love bread and butter, and milkshakes.

Since computers have been around. Genius's are the new genesis. Everyone is smart...didn't you know?!

I think going punch for punch is funny. Think about your own tolerance level.

If you haven't taken my goalie: give him a fair- battle; 
I'm saving our endangered style. Pa-lease! Although he is fly. The opponents were dominatrix's! Needing to take the room of people. Good enough for a thorny crown.

Dad you do not need to stay in the back- room alone, not that mummification will ever be out, But panic attacks were never in.

We're at the top of the food chain. I know your an old soul, but please you can stun excessive lectures from a side view, because soon all runts will be immune. We grew up and we still love you. And still have morals and values.

Praise the noise I make, is at a pitch- you couldn't miss. At the top of a roller- coaster,  So to the quick- you wonder where you are, and why?

 Excuse me; but I knew in person I saw you: unexpected- wrestling; with the raw. 

I would hate to see my dad on his knee's, so I joined him.
 I echo singing in the background; telling telemarketer's: to hold on. I put them on hold, so I could scream!

Chapter 3- Consequences

You are not alone. and I never lied, when I said, I love you, 
See me build my wide audience range. From the grungy to the royalty to the basics. Hoping for a survivor.

Say Oprah went missing. 
Angels dive. Elf's point.

I'm doing the best I can.
 I cant believe authors are hand models.They must really lift a new wind.
 I have the prettiest middle fingers they are quick and snappy. Maybe a little crooked.

Maybe a little crooked. Willing to be the first to party, first to walk away when in a fight.
 Lasting no longer then a min and a half. I know enemies don't stop going for weapons.

Making myself dizzy. Really turns you on. I'm a dancing queen questioning our mortality. I'm like the girl with the smile, no- one wants to blink, and you the people I don't want to cry like I did.

Chapter-  4-  Miss You Too Much

Time has gone really slow the last hour, I think closed cub-bards has power over clocks. I'm pushing my endurance with my hands. My feet can no longer run. 

I recognize I haven't accepted seniority since my Dads been around, saying happy birthday, singing the elmo song, going out to dinner, taking taxi's, stumbling upon a wheel of fortune.

In the back of my mind he's meant for holding me back. Good at making me laugh. Just by saying ''boo! You suck at being a bitch!..Be nice instead....''

Glow: while I have a laugh attack so I can remember lighting this candle. I'm sorry for the third eye, that gets left stranded; in this world of leers, and taps. 

Denial stunts your growth. An ion of space shouting'' this is a competition for who's in the most rooms. And not dead.....

I technically skipped a grade in being boxed-in. For wearing a costume made for the front page of ''People''. Like Rita McNeil, Or Whitney Houston. Cher even.

If you don't respect who I'm REALLY trying to save with my memory. My father and I. Then you don't understand the present. You don't understand how much I loved that man.

Chapter 5- I Will Compromise

Find me intimidating?
 Minimalist's carve peoples hearts with drawings. They are a big debt to me.

 The Global- UV- Rays penetrated The Moon. I cared- I hated Hydro, and I was feeling the heat.

Especially throughout the nights of; Fall, from my tears, when it was confirmed my Papa Dukes was gone. What a dumb restraining order. What a dumb bankruptcy. What a dumb dog. What a bad friend. What neighbor? How'd it all go?

As his poker face deemed playing tricks- 
I needed material to win my friends back. Where he just needed a role- play.
We know if he's under the table, he might not be here forever.... and fuck the fucker that did it.

Its all about morals and values. 
If I don't stop the train wreck will stop. I'm spelling out brace with my heart, as the cushions lend out a shoulder for me to lean on, when I'm down. I always miss him.

Days with my thumbs up- I remember him, holding my chin saying ''don't roll your eyes.'' 

I dedicate this song to my father hes a duke.
 That likes pop, he says you got to stick you neck out to get ahead, his Dads name is ''Bud''.

I'm wondering if he found a camera or if Daddy will call. As I lie on the ground, hoping the kitty; doesn't scratch me, but if; the dog- does: that's okay, you have to convince some.

1/~Do you doubt my spontaneous memory? Glinkgo Bilboa

2/~Do you think about the cold people left for minimum sentencing feel? How about Dirty Cops?

3/~Don't you have a cue, people don't understand? How about a sheerness people people take advantage of?  True friends won't doubt your talent.

4/~Have robots updated? More then I know...

5/~Will I die from a robot? It is possible..

6/~Do you know what listening to an alarm and a teacher sounds like at the same time? Try dumb and dumber...its the most annoying sound in the world..

7/~Do you understand a quick recovery in a change of surrounding? Freeestylin in peace.

8/ Is it the whole family or none of the family without you? I'll compromise...and wish upon a star..

If its worth the risk take the fall.
 If its what you want it s worth it all.


              1/  Lady Gaga was in a horror movie called ''Hotel.''

              2/  Organized Crime is after foreign exchange and oil.

              3/  Forensic Science can tell your age. sex. and race by a strand of your hair.

              4/ In Colonial America, lobster was served to inmates in jail.

               5/ Year 2040 we will be able to go to Mars.

              6/ In 1845 in Boston your needed a prescription to have a bath.

              7/ Winston Churchill smokes 10 cigars a day.

              8/ Lightning is 30 000 degrees celcius hotter then the sun.

              9/ Super cells are the worst kind of Thunderstorms.

              10/ The Parikutin Volcano grew 2774 meters while erupting from the year 1943- 1952.'

               11/ No means no.

              12/ Year 2040 we will be able to go to Mars.

               13/  Would you call Freddie Krugar to tell you stories?

              14/ Balancing a knife on your tongue.

              15/ Step out of your comfort zone.

               16/ Mark my words.

               17/ Worship the ground you walk on

              18/ Death takes no bribes
             19/ Watching horror movies can burn more than 180 calories..


I study new things everyday to motivate myself, to have hope, that there is purpose, and surprises, and things to be ready for, and remedies, and prescriptions, you know, the light at the end of the tunnel stuff. So I have gathered so much I will organize it here now, from my Ipod, and share some fun or maybe even some odd facts with you.

1/ Gummy bears are rockets fuel. {( Myth Busters )}

2/ No oxygen in space.

3/ Rainfalls at 17 miles/ an hour.

4/ At 30 year old you are a billion seconds of age, 11 days makes 1 million.

5/ Spinach cells and skin used for skin casings in heart surgery.

6/ An attosecond is 1 billionth of a second.

7/ Snap chat logo is called Ghost Face Chillah.

8/ Whats on your mind? Is it Cute aggression? Bed head? Or an Intervention?

9/ The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog, uses every letter in the alphabet.

10/ Remcloud is the website to enter, to discuss your dreams.

11/ The first train was 8 km/ 5mph

12 16 ounces to 1 lb/ 1 kilo is 2.10 lbs

13/ '' Pez'' was invented in 1927.

14/ Diet Coke was introduced in 1982.

15/ February 18th 1979 it snowed in The Sahara Desert.

16/ Cresote Bushes in the Mohave Desert are 12,000 years old.

17/ There is 3 golf balls on the moon.

18/ See the best in you.

19/ Burn 20 calories/ an hour by chewing gum.

20/ With the moon directly above you/ Or by eating Bananas/ Or Green Apples- you weight less.'

21/ Broccoli has a nervous system.

22/ No means no, Gnome saying

23/ Not conforming, yet doing your job.

24/ Too good to be true.

25/ Deserve to be celebrated/ not tolerated.

26/ Microwave is a clock that cooks stuff.

27/ It is the uplook that counts.

28/ Down/ Not out.

29/ Your either negotiating: Terms/ or Price. Never both.

30/ Give an arm for you.

31/ Always when you least expect it.

32/ Never stay still.

33/ May the odds ever be in your favor.

34/ 80% of Rolls Royce's are still on the road.

35/ It is all gravy.

36/ Sometimes a string is all you get.

37/ Can't rest a finger

38/ Never a girl too beautiful.

39/ The devil cries.

40/ Best defense is a good offence.

41/ 2% of people have green eyes

42/ Fruit salad tree bear several kinds of fruit,

43/ 27 people fit in a mini car

44/ Commercials rock.

45/ Poor sense of smell is common for psychos.

46/  In the mountain of a Toblerone there is a bear, hidden in the picture

47/ On a Fed Ex Truck there is a hidden arrow between Fed and Ex- constantly moving forward.

48/ The emblem on A Rolls Royce is called '' the spirit of ecstasy. ''

49/ Mudras are the coolest Yoga for the hands....

50/ 3 Dogs survived The Titanic.

51/  Erocktation- means burping, in other terms.

52/  Jump from the cock to the donkey- switch topics a lot.

53/ Slide in on a shrimp sandwich- Born with a silver spoon in their mouth without doing any work.

54/ Balls of a swan- impossible
      When pigs fly- impossible

55/ The Hen sees the snakes feet and the snake sees the hens boobs- you have no secrets.

56/ A Dog with feces scolds A Dog with husky grain- when a person of lower status uses insults with nothing but poop for support.

57/ Cleaner then a frogs armpit- flat broke.

58/ In the mouth of a wolf- good luck
      In the whales ass- good luck

59/ Rats jumping in your stomach- hungry

60/ More then one way to skin a cat- More then one way to achieve an aim

61/ By the skin of your teeth- barely

62/ Skeletons in the closet- embarrassing secret.

63/ Snakes in the grass- treacherous person feigning friendship./

64/ Check yourself, don't wreck youself

65/ Samiophobia- A fear of Halloween.

66/ There is too many tires in the desert.

67/ We have an artery the size of a garden hose.

68/ Gatorade was named after the Florida Gators.

69/ Umbrellas look cool on tall ceilings.

70/ Nike was first called Blue Ribbon Sports.

71/ Anxiety disengages the front part of your brain which inhibits flexible thinking/ decision making.

72/ Oscar the Grouche was originally orange.

73/ Smiles are immortal, everyone smiles in the same language.

74/ Snow is full of pollution.

75/ Seaweed tastes like bacon.

76/ Hells Kitchen pampers you once you are fired from the show.

77/ Gold in the ocean, is adding up.

78/ Fidgeting means you have a good memory.

79/ Moon dust smells like gum.

80/ 1/ 3,000 babies are born with a tooth.

81/ Swan Song- they don't sing until they are about to die.

82/ There is a brand of contacts, you can wear while you are sleeping, so you don't have to wear them during the day.

83/  Watermelon reduces stress and anxiety.

84/ African Pine Cone Flowers, and huge.

85/ No ''J's'' in The Periodic Table.

86/ A thousand snowballs showed up at the beach in Surbia.

87/ Bones are 4 times stronger then concrete.


88- HMV- Means '' his masters voice.''

89- A house shaped like a dog

90- A car with a brick paint job- would look so camouflaged I'd kill you myself.

91- Caffeine prevents cataracts

92- Aces in their places.

93- The more you have of it- the less you see it- what is it??? The darkness

94- Supervision sounds more cool then it is

95- Satisfaction feels like foever

96- all about persistence and awareness

97- Did you hear the phone dazzle you with its charm?

98- love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence

99- love is telling someone to go to hell then hoping the get their safely

100- I always wanted to date an archeologist the older they are the more interesting they become

101- words without power is philosophy

102- You cant use up creativity...the more you use.,..the more you have!

103- Somewhere it rains without gravity...

104- Nothing messes up a friday except realizing its wednesday

105- Love all- Trust a wrong to none..

106- The google self driving car should have an '' I am feeling lucky button' that drives you to a random location.

More How To Wishes

What I do in order to make a wish is think of The Angels Name 3 times, then conclude my wish. I suggest thinking of our peoples Zodiacs...